Sunday, May 13, 2012


Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, mothers-to-be, and mothers at heart, particularly the ones who have been motherly figures and examples of excellent mothers to me over the years, including my mother-in-law, my friends who are mothers, my grandmothers, my aunts, and my female role models growing up.

However, I must especially thank my own mom for raising me in such a way to respect others, love and care for people in need, and most of all, to be the first person to teach me about Jesus.  I love you.

I also have to thank Jason and Connor, the two guys who made me a mommy, and who bring such joy to my life every single day.  I feel so blessed to get to be the wife and the mother of these two.

While I took a nap this afternoon (Hallelujah!  Thanks, Jason; I needed it!), Jason had Connor make me a little Mother's Day video, which I just have to share.  :)

Happy Mother's Day, all!

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