Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Facts and Photos

Highlights of the week:

- Saturday was Lindsay G.'s (my sis Linds' best friend) baby shower, and the afternoon was filled with great food (especially the cake), lots of gifts, and balloons (which inspired the photos I posted here).

Connor decided to entertain the crowd.

He was bored with the gifts so he read a book.

Connor and Mimi

- Sunday was wonderful.  The message by our pastor was inspiring, focused on the idea of "swimming" in God's purpose/spirit, not just walking in ankle or knee deep.  Too often I find myself in that ankle deep position, thinking I have just enough, when God wants me to let go and let Him show me how much more is out there.

- Sunday afternoon was planned to be a normal, play-filled afternoon with Connor, but I got a call from Aunt MB asking if we wanted to go out on the lake with them.  Jason passed (He had a sermon to get ready for that night.) but Connor and I were more than ready.  I, of course, loved every single second with my hair in the wind, my feet in the water, and soaking up the sun (with lots of sunscreen on).  I wasn't sure how Connor would react, seeing as how he had never been on a small boat before, but he was in awe.  He loved it just as much as I did.  Let's hope Aunt MB and Uncie invite us again (hint, hint).    :)

Lake Cumberland on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.

Aunt MB, Ally, and Connor

loving it

Uncie driving the boat.

- Sunday evening Jason brought a fantastic message in Marrowbone.  We enjoyed fantastic music by Steadfast, and we had lots of good conversation on the way home.

-  Monday afternoon my dear friend Candice so kindly took Connor's 2 year photos, which I posted here.  I LOVE them, and I am so thankful for her talent and most importantly her place in my life.

- The remainder of the week has been typical for us.  School each day, workout with Linds on Tuesday evening, and a fun girls' night dinner with Linds W. (different than the other two Lindsay's), Gavin, and Connor at our favorite Mexican spot on Wed. (I meant to take pictures, but forgot.  Boo.)

- School has been FANTASTIC.  We are in our second full week, and with the exception of a few minor (very minor) issues, each day has been better than the last.  I love my job, and I love the short stories we are studying right now.  I love weeks like these where I am reminded why I do what I do.

Random facts from the week:

- Connor has been SUCH a good boy this week.  He has been listening and obeying so much better (and more quickly), and he has just been, in general, a very happy boy this week, which makes me happy.

- He (Connor) has, however, started calling my husband "Jason" instead of Daddy, which Connor thinks is hilarious.  He chuckles to himself every time he does it.  When Jason is in the basement working out he will yell down the steps (through the gate), "Jason!  Jason!  I want Jason!"  It is awfully cute, but I don't want him calling me "Laura" any time soon.  :)
- I just started reading The Help (Thanks, Andrea, for letting me borrow it!) and I love it so far.  Granted, I am only 20 pages in, but it has hooked me from the start.  I hope to have some time to read and really get into it this weekend.

- Connor has actually started eating meat lately.  For months he has spit out every kind of meat I try to give him, with the exception of chicken nuggets and some types of fish (He loves salmon.).  However, in the last couple of weeks, he has started loving ham, steak, chicken (not in nugget form), and pork chops.  He has always been a relatively good eater except for meat, but maybe we have turned a corner.  Just wait, now that I've typed it, he'll start spitting it out again.

Random photos from the week:
Connor wanted to dress up this this giraffe costume.

Connor had been dying to "let go" of a balloon ever since last Saturday, so on Wed., so let him take one out in the yard and watch it fly away.

watching his balloon fly away

watching his balloon then get stuck in a tree in the back yard

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!  We are headed to visit with family in Louisville.  Excited for a weekend filled with a baseball game, state fair, yummy treats, church, and play time with Connor in the Davidson back yard.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, Laura, Connor is the cutest thing ever! Good luck on keeping up the meat eating!

Your boat ride looks amazing. I'm sad I was never on Lake Cumberland while I lived there (or ever).

Glad school is going well. I miss RC people so much.

Have a great weekend in the Ville!

Oh, and we won cookies!!!!! Both of us! Whoo hoo!

Laura Ashley said...

Thank you so much, Melanie! We think he's adorable, but it's so nice to hear other people think so, too! :)

You need to come visit RC summer we should go out on the lake together!

I am SO excited about the cookies. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a fun week, I love your pictures!