Saturday, August 20, 2011

Up, Up, and Away

Let me start off by saying that I am by no means a talented or creative artist when it comes to photography.  My camera is not fantastic (It's a 10.1 mega pixel Kodak.), and I only play around for fun, but I do love taking photographs and capturing the special moments of our little family (and friends and nature and other random things I see).

All that to say, we went to Lindsay G.'s baby shower today (best friend of my sister and basically a part of the family), and with Connor in tow we were sent home with lots of fun balloons (thanks to Lindsay's sweet sister-in-law, Kim). 

The second I stepped out of the car I thought that with the beautiful, sunny day that taking some pics of Connor holding the balloons in the yard would be precious. (I think I have photography on the brain because I am SO excited about one of my best pals Candice taking Connor's two year photos next week...yippee!)  The bad news...he wouldn't hold on to them, and he cried when they were tied to his wrist.  So my next plan was to have Jason take some pics of both Connor and me, which was okay, but still not great.  My third and final plan was to call my sis (who was already wearing an adorable outfit from the shower) and take photos of her with the balloons.  I was determined to get some cute pictures with those balloons, and I think I did.  She took a few of me as well, which you will see below (Disclaimer: I am not particularly photogenic.).

It was so much fun that I hope Linds will let me use her as a guinea pig again.  :)

Happy Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Laura. You'll have to share your secrets on how to edit your pictures.

Laura Ashley said...

Thanks, Melanie! Was it you that mentioned Picnik to me? I have been using that. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos! Sounds/looks like you have had a great day!

Ali said...

I love these! Proof that you can take great pictures without a super expensive camera!

Laura Ashley said...

Thanks, Jacob!

Ali -- Thank you! I would love to have a super nice camera, but that just isn't in the budget right now, so I am having fun with what I have! :)