Last Saturday Mom, Linds, Connor, and I attended a surprise birthday party in BG for Lindsay's best friend (and basically part of our family), who also happens to be a Lindsay. We had a fantastic time shopping a bit beforehand, seeing the shock on Lindsay's face when she walked in, and a few treats on our way home (Gigi's Cupcakes and Sweet CeCe's). It was a great day with people I love, and Connor was a trooper traveling.
Mom, Teresa, Linds (sis), Lindsay (birthday girl), me |
From top: Gigi's Tiramisu cupcake, Linds enjoying frozen yogurt, and a Gigi's Summer Fun cupcake |
On Sunday I made my first ever carrot cake, which turned out much better than anticipated. Jason loved it, which was the goal, since it was per his request it was made, and I'm hoping to find time to blog the recipe this coming week.
Monday marked, as I mentioned above, the first full week of school, which is always tiring. It was made even more busy due to the fact that I had an after school faculty meeting on Wed., and a meeting at my Alma mater until 7 p.m. on Thursday.
Speaking of my college, being back on campus reminded me why I loved that place so much. The campus is beautiful, the people are wonderful, and it still feels like home. Sigh. I'm hearing there might be a Master's program in English starting up there, so I either need to start saving my pennies or convince them they need me back there badly enough to give me some financial help. :)
chapel at LWC |
Which brings us to the last big event of the week, which I just returned home from. Lindsay (from above surprise party) came home this weekend to attend her baby shower (She is due at the end of September, right around Connor's birthday!), so all of the Egnew/Morrison girls (plus Connor) went to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant and then headed to Lindsay's mom's house for cake, ice cream, and lots of talking. Connor had the most fun playing with Lindsay's iPad (Fortunately, he's too young to ask for one at this point.). :) It was the perfect ending to this long but wonderful week.
Random happenings this week:
-- One of the bloggers I follow, Megan at In This Wonderful Life, just had twins today! Although I have never met her, after following her blog for more than a year and reading about the loss of her firstborn, Cohen, due to a heart condition, it filled me with such joy to see a photo of her beautiful babies! Despite her loss, she has remained so faithful and positive. This is why I love blogging and reading others' blogs. It inspires me.
-- Connor is growing like crazy. He is almost 23 months, and his 18 month-old clothes are finally starting to fit him. He has always been on the teeny side, but all of a sudden he has gotten taller, and his face has lost that baby look. It makes me sad and proud all at the same time.
-- Connor got his first wasp sting this week. He did not handle it well (He gets this from his father.), but he hated the Bandaid we tried to put on it worse than the actual sting.
Random photos for the week:
Tractor time! |
enjoying some after school rest and tv time |
So proud that my roses are still alive. |
"helping" Daddy pick up limbs |
This kid loves Mommy's big bathtub. |
Love the pic from LWC. Love that place.
I agree with you- the first week of school is very tiring. I love all of your pictures, and your new background!
Marisa -- Thanks! It's one of my favorite places to be, so much like home.
Jacob -- Thanks so much! I was ready for a different look. Next up, how to change up my banner/title at the top and add new photos. Candice is going to take pics of Connor on Monday, so I'll probably use those. :)
I just love your blog. :) Of course all of the pictures of Conner!
I feel pangs for LWC..especially in the fall. Loved that place so much.
I'm glad your first week went well...and my feet are feeling it as well.
Have a great weekend!
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