Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Year of Blogging

Today marks one year to the day since my very first blog post. For months before, I debated on starting a blog, wondered if anyone would read it, and finally decided that it didn't matter: this was my way of documenting moments that mattered to me.

My goal and hope for this blog is nothing more than to keep family and friends updated on our goings-on, with some fashion, food, and lots of photos mixed in.  I hope most of all that someday Connor will see these photos, memories, and stories (I hope to have these printed and bound at some point...any advice on how/companies to use would be greatly appreciated.) and have a window into his childhood.

Thanks for reading and for sharing life with us!  I will forever be grateful for blogging, because it has challenged me to write and document our lives more than I ever did before, and it has also opened my eyes to bloggers whom I now love to read and gain inspiration from.  I hope to share many more adventures and anecdotes through this space.

I always thought I would do a giveaway for my first blog anniversary, but I don't think I have enough followers (who aren't family) to really qualify to do one.  :)  Maybe once I hit 100 spread the word.  :)

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