Wednesday, April 11, 2012

March Photo a Day Challenge -- Week 4

 With our trip to Las Vegas, I got behind on posting my photos, so here, a little late, are my last photos from March:

Here are my photos for the last days of March:

Day 22 -- Kitchen Sink

Day 23 -- Moon

Day 24 -- Animal

Day 25 -- Breakfast (Yes, I ate a cupcake for breakfast...don't judge.)

Day 26 -- Key

Day 27 -- My Name

Day 28 -- Trash
Day 29 -- Feet

Day 30 -- Toy (Connor's best pal, Muno)

Day 31 -- Where I Relax
I will posting the first week of April as soon as I can get all of my Vegas photos organized and ready to post. :)

1 comment:

Courtney B said...

I want a cup cake for breakfast!
That chair looks so cozy! Love it!