Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Facts and Photos

I thought I might try to use Fridays as a time to relay some random facts about our life, family, Connor especially, as well as post any pictures from the week that might not relate to a specific blog post.  I am certain this will more than likely be a random conglomeration of information, but as it is 9 p.m. on a Friday, most of my communication skills are frazzled at best.

So, in no certain order:

     - Connor is talking like CRAZY.  He repeats words he loves over and over and OVER again (car, truck, bus, Mommy, Daddy, Muno)

     - Speaking of Muno, Connor's favorite show right now is Yo Gabba Gabba.  As children's programming goes, Jason and I actually don't mind to watch it with Connor.  It is a bit trippy, but the music is good, there are teachable moments/concepts, and the fact that he is enthralled with something so fully makes me smile (and it is a few minutes each day that he will let me snuggle with him). 

      - His favorite Gabba character is Muno, and he carries around a gigantic stuffed Muno everywhere we go...literally.  Muno goes with us to babysitters', in his crib at night, and even to church.  He is not an attractive creature (see photo below) , but Connor loves him, and so I love him, too.  :)

Connor and his buddy Muno

      - Connor has learned to pick his nose (I'm sure he learned this from his father.).  He calls the contents of his nostrils a "boog," and although this should be disturbing, it is actually cute because he will pick his nose with one hand, then make a flicking motion with the other hand, which never actually entered his nose.  :)

      - I am loving the nighttime phase Connor is currently in.  We have a set routine each night.  He either takes a bath or shower (He loves both, but showers are the current favorite), we read a book, watch an episode of Gabba (while cuddling), and then he looks at me and says, "Rock?' (Sidenote: A few months ago, he wanted nothing to do with being held or rocked.  He just wanted you to lay him down; he would put his hands behind his head, say "Night, night" and he was out.  Now, though, he wants to be sung to and rocked for just a couple of minutes, and I love every second.)  So, I carry him upstairs, we say our prayers, and then I sing him a few songs (almost always including "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Jesus Loves Me"), and he and Muno lay down and drift off to sleep.  I am trying to treasure each second, because I know these days will be over much too soon.

      - Connor LOVES being outside.  He loves to run, throw rocks, play in the dirt, attempt to drink out of the spigot, "ride" anything (golf carts, lawn mowers, toys with wheels, etc...), look at animals, and wave at passing cars.  I hope he continues to love the outdoors and being active.

my outside boy

      - If you like fun blogs, I am currently obsessed with reading Jon Acuff's blog, Stuff Christians Like.  It is a funny take on Christians, from a Christian.  Jon is a witty writer (He also works for Dave Ramsey, which is a plus in my book.), and he really takes on some issues about Christianity that are sometimes lighthearted, sometimes serious, and often about how others see us.  I hope you'll check it out.  He also has a book of the same title.

      - Jason and I, while visiting Jason's parents in Louisville, got to go on a rare date.  No, it wasn't a trip alone to Walmart to buy stuff for small group (Oh wait, we actually did do that) or a grocery run, or some other place that just wouldn't be productive for Connor to tag along; it was a real date.  We went to a movie (Source Code -- It was complex but interesting) and out to eat (Cheddar's -- I had a delish burger, one with those yummy onion straws on top, and a salad instead of healthy, right?)  :)  It was a fun night.

      - Also while in Louisville, we got to have lunch at one of Jason's favorite spots, Mark's Feed Store.  Althought I am not as much of a barbecue fan as he is, I must admit their pulled chicked is delicious.  However, the best thing on the menu is the grilled corn on the cob...amazing.  Connor was actually asleep on my shoulder for the whole meal, otherwise I would have snapped a photo to post.  Next time.  All that to say, if you are in Louisville or New Albany (there are four total locations), and you love barbecue, try Mark's.

      - Lastly for random facts this week, my students just finished a unit on Romeo and Juliet.  It is, every year, one of my top two favorite units to teach.  I love the story (despite the fact that it is a tragedy), the involvement of the students (we choose parts for each act and even reenact a few fight scenes), and the projects they present (At the end of the unit, students make a product to show their knowledge of the play...and sometimes they are awesome.  I get tombstones, videos, ending rewrites, tshirts, fake Facebook pages, etc...).  I love to see them get to excited about a play that was written over 400 years ago.  I know I am such a nerd, but it just makes my heart happy to see students appreciate literature, at least once in the year.  :)  Oh, and did I mention my other favorite part of the unit?  We get to watch the 1996 film version of R&J, starring my middle school dream guy, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Seriously, what's not to love about Romeo and Juliet?   :)

Okay...done with random facts.  Below you fill find some random photos of the past couple of weeks.  Have a great weekend!

opening his Easter basket from the gparents in Louisville

I love my sister.  She knows of my obsession with Peeps, and bought me, yes, you saw it right, a Peeps Pop.  It was delicious.

Connor watching Gabba this afternoon with Daddy.

my new favorite nail polish color: Don't Mess with OPI 

Have a blessed weekend, and Happy Easter!  I am always overwhelmed when I think of the sacrifice Christ made for us.  I should remember to feel this grateful every day of the year.


Anonymous said...

I love your Friday conglomeration blog idea! Have a happy Easter!

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