Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge -- Week 4

Here are my last set of photos for February:

Day 22 -- Where I Work (My students were watching their Palm Poetry video this day.)

Day 23 -- My Shoes

Day 24 -- Inside my Bathroom Cabinet

Day 25 -- Green (my very bright green dining room)

Day 26 -- Night (This book kept me up most of the night...riveting.  Now I am on to the second one.)

Day 27 -- Something I Ate (dinner at home -- yum)

Day 28 -- Money (Connor's stash of change)

Day 29 -- Something I'm Listening To (spent much of the evening yesterday listening to these two playing rowdily.)

Here's a preview for what is to come in March.  I hope I can continue to play along: